We expect the demand for the Le Serre Nuove dell’Ornellaia 2021 offer to be high. We share out oversubscribed wines as widely as possible down to a minimum practical level per member. After that, wines are allocated as fairly as possible. Please be aware that some wines will sell out and substitute wines will be used where requested unless no substitutes are specified.
- Website and telephone orders will be accepted for this offer.
Your order should arrive at Stevenage by midday, Tuesday 5th March, 2024 - We may have to ration wines in order to satisfy as many members as possible.
- Members whose orders have been received by midday, Tuesday 5th March, 2024 will receive confirmation of their purchase by, Friday 8th March 2024 at the latest.
Terms and conditions for ordering from the Le Serre Nuove dell’Ornellaia 2021 In-bond offer
How to order
- You will need to pay using a stored card, or add a stored card when you place your order, to enable us to take payment once your allocation has been confirmed.
- Once the offer has closed, we will then allocate the wines. Invoicing will follow shortly afterwards and payment taken. This will be completed by 8th March at the latest. We will only charge the value of the wines allocated.
- Only payment by debit/credit cards will be accepted. Please note that we no longer accept payment by cheque for In-bond orders.
If demand exceeds supply
The Society has a long relationship with the producer in this offer and access to good quantities of wine. It is possible however that demand may exceed supply for some individual wines. If this happens, we share out the available stock equally among ordering members (sometimes down to one bottle per member) where this is practical and reasonable to do so. Ordering large quantities of a wine will therefore not increase your chances of obtaining some. If this still does not allow every member to have some wine, then as a final resort we allocate the available stock by groupings. These are calculated via members’ level of support for The Wine Society (taking into consideration quantity of wine bought, spend and also any unsuccessful orders from previous offers). Members who have given greater support to The Society will therefore have a better chance (but no certainty) of being allocated wine, and those who have given less support will have a lesser chance (but still a chance). Provided members have selected to accept substitute wines, and a suitable substitute (in terms of style and price) is available, The Society will offer a similar wine if the original choice cannot be provided.
Members’ Reserves
The Society’s Members’ Reserves is a purpose-built, temperature-controlled facility offering members access to optimum storage conditions. The annual rental charge is £9.96 per 12-bottle case per year inclusive of VAT and insurance at replacement value. Members can also remove a few bottles of a full case stored in Reserves.
You can now store your wines with The Society ‘in bond’. Duty and VAT on wines stored in this way will be payable only when the wines are withdrawn from Reserves.
What the price includes
- Duty and VAT at the prevailing rate will be payable when you elect to withdraw your wines from our bonded Reserves facility. This can be done either by transfer to duty-paid Members’ Reserves, collection from Stevenage or delivery to your address.
As of 1 August 2023, duty rates on alcohol have changed. For example, the current duty on a 14% abv wine is £2.67 per 75cl bottle; VAT of 20% is payable on both wine and duty. - The wines will arrive in the UK in summer 2024.
- Once the wines arrive, members may opt to have them delivered within the UK or stored in Members’ Reserves. UK delivery is free of charge.
The wines are offered in cases of three bottles as indicated.
Please read note 17 on the full terms and conditions for this offer before placing your order.