Neuweierer Riesling Alte Reben Schloss Neuweier 2018 is no longer available
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Neuweierer Riesling Alte Reben Schloss Neuweier 2018
Fresh bone-dry, appetising riesling packed with aroma and flavour from old vines grown on weathered granite soil just south of Baden-Baden in the west of Germany. Great value for this quality.
is no longer available
Code: GE14151
Wine characteristics
- White Wine
- 2 - Dry
- Riesling
- Drinking now
- 13.5% Alcohol
- no oak influence
- Screwcap
Weingut Schloss Neuweier
Experience at Fritz Keller and Neger in Baden, at Château La Tour de By in Bordeaux and at Zind-Humbrecht and Marc Kreydenweiss just across the border in Alsace, have obviously stood Robert Schätzle in excellent stead. All that he has learned on his travels informs the winemaking at his own estate at Schloss Neuweier in Baden-Baden. Robert grew up on the famous Kaiserstühl further south in Baden, scion of a winemaking family with a long history in the region.
Until he took on the Schloss Neuweier estate as recently as 2012 the estate had been owned by Gisela Joos who re-established its reputation with a raft of improvements upon which she spent a vast sum of money before selling it to Robert. He has maintained the upward curve in quality.
He now owns a vineyard with a grape growing history going back to the 12th century and a castle which is only a little less old. He cultivates riesling (80% of his vines), pinot noir, gewürztraminer and a little chardonnay and sauvignon blanc on some 15 hectares in a number of vineyard sites including Schlossberg, which is a monopole planted solely to riesling close to the winery, the Goldener Loch (which is a grosse lage, or grand cru, site in the region), Mauerberg and Heiligenstein. The soils are uniformly a mix of weathered porphyry and granite from the foothills of the Black Forest upon which they sit.
A biodynamic approach has been adopted (though not certified) which, with its homeopathic and astrological principles, aims to increase ...