A transparent approach
We want The Society to be one of the most sustainable wine retailers in the world. This goal is firmly rooted in a clear mission to continue providing delicious, high-quality wines to our members for many years to come. It is ambitious – we don’t have all the answers and we certainly cannot do it alone. We will need to work together with our members, growers, producers and the wider industry so we can tackle the big challenges together. And we will need to infuse sustainable thinking and action throughout The Society, so it becomes a normal way of working.
That’s why we have launched this new sustainability section on our website to explain our goals in more detail, update on progress and enable members to hold us to account.
Get in touch
If you have any questions or feedback please contact us here.
Our key goals
- Calculate our carbon footprint (complete), set science-based reduction targets (complete) and develop a road map to reach net zero by 2040, across our business and supply chain (complete).
- Gather precise data on the packaging we use (complete) and set 2025 reduction targets (complete)
- Develop our new approach to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (complete)
- Minimise energy and waste consumption (ongoing)
- Set 2025 reduction targets for our cardboard, glass and plastic packaging (in progress)
- Sign up suppliers to our new sustainability-focused code of conduct (ongoing)
- Send zero waste to landfill (complete)
- Launch The Society’s sustainability articles hub (complete)
- Implement our new diversity, equity and inclusion policy (complete)
- Be carbon neutral across our direct operations (in progress)
- Implement minimum social and environmental standards for our suppliers (in progress)
- Implement a sustainability scorecard for our own-label wines
- Launch a range of own-label wines in alternative, more environmentally friendly packaging formats (complete)
- Launch The Society’s training and mentorship scheme for disadvantaged groups (complete)
- Launch a supplier forum to share tools and success stories on sustainability (in progress)
- Measure the impact of our new approach to employee health and wellbeing
- Conduct social and environmental risk assessments on all own-label suppliers
- Have set goals to enhance biodiversity in our supply chain
- ‘Right weight’ all our packaging
- Trial packaging reuse and ‘take-back’ systems
- Introduce a ‘Sustainable Choice’ range within our own-label selection (in progress)
- Have reduced greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions in our operations (vans, warehouses, office) to zero
- Be net zero across our business and supply chain.