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Wines included
Cotes du Rhone Sablieres Domaines des Escaravailles 2018
Cotes du Rhone Sablieres Domaines des Escaravailles 2018
Domaine Camp Galhan les Frigouliers IGP Cevennes 2020
Domaine Camp Galhan les Frigouliers IGP Cevennes 2020
The Society's French Syrah 2020
This is a northern Rhône syrah, with elements from both banks including an element from Brézème, a micro-region a few miles to the south of Crozes-Hermitage. Plenty of colour and rich, spicy fruit, in this ripe vintage.
Ventoux Les Traverses, Paul Jaboulet Aîné 2019
The 2019 vintage of this delicious Rhône red is as full-bodied as its predecessor of 2018, lusciously fruity and ripe. What makes the difference is the feeling of fresh fruit on the palate, in part thanks to cool breezes coming off of the iconic Mont Ventoux.