Cotes de Provence Rose Merle Chateau Pas de Cerf 2020 is no longer available

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Cotes de Provence Rose Merle Chateau Pas de Cerf 2020

4.333330000 star rating 3 Reviews
Cotes de Provence Rose Merle Chateau Pas de Cerf 2020
is no longer available
Code: FC40361

Wine characteristics

  • Rose Wine
  • Medium-bodied
  • Cinsault
  • 12.5% Alcohol
  • no oak influence
  • Cork, diam

Château du Pas de Cerf

Eight generations of the Gualtieri family have farmed this Provence estate in the Massif des Maures since 1848, and today that honour falls to Geneviève, Patrick and their daughters. The 80 hectares of south-facing, schist-like soils here are bathed in warm sunshine during the growing season, soaking it up and throwing it back on the grapes to help them ripen fully while allowing what rainfall there is to drain into, and well below, the surface with ease, accessible to the roots that can push through the fissured sub-soils. Rolle, semillon, grenache noir, cinsault, thibouren, syrah, mourvèdre, cabernet sauvignon and carignan are all grown for a range of white, rosé and red wines. Farming is sustainable, using organic manures. The winery and barrel cellar are both half-buried in the hillside, some 7 metres deep, so that both are naturally cooled and the presses, stainless steel vats and barrels can be filled by gravity rather than the rougher handling of pumps.

Sunday Express

One of the great regions for rosé production is Provence in the south of France. Made from grape varieties which are adapted to a warmer climate, such as grenache, cinsault and carignan, with...
One of the great regions for rosé production is Provence in the south of France. Made from grape varieties which are adapted to a warmer climate, such as grenache, cinsault and carignan, with sometimes the addition of Syrah or other local varieties, the wines are fresh and fruity, with considerable depth of flavour and aromatics. Chateau Pas du Cerf  has been in the Gualtieri family for eight generations since 1848 and is located in the Massif des Maures. Careful winemaking produces a delightful, clean, fruity, refreshing wine with a fashionably pale pink colour. Perfect on its own or with a chicken salad and crusty baguette.
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- Richard Esling

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