Vin de France 'Pertinence' Viognier, Réthoré Davy 2020 is no longer available

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Vin de France 'Pertinence' Viognier, Réthoré Davy 2020

White Wine from France - Loire
3.833330000 star rating 6 Reviews
From the tiny Loire vineyard area of the Mauges, to the east of Nantes, this rare example of viognier shows the apricot and peach aromas typical of the grape.
is no longer available
Code: LO16551

Wine characteristics

  • White Wine
  • 2 - Dry
  • Viognier
  • 13% Alcohol
  • no oak influence
  • Twin top

Réthoré Davy

Christophe Réthoré farms 42 hectares of land in the rolling countryside of the Pays des Mauges in the western Loire Valley, a little-known region to the east of Nantes and the nearest to the Nantais to produce red wines as well as white.

The estate was established in 1959 by the parents of Christophe and Jean-Michel Davy on a variety of classic Loire soil types, including schist, quartz, flint and slate, all of which drain well in this relatively cool region. The grapes for ‘Le Chapitre’ wines are grown on schistous soils, for example.

Wherever the vines are planted, Chistophe nurtures them with great care and the estate is signed up to the Terra Vitis charter that stipulates a regimen of sustainable farming and consideration for the environment.

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