What is a PET bottle?
PET is short for polyethylene terephthalate, a strong, lightweight plastic which has been used to package food and drink since the 1970s. It’s the kind of bottle that you see used most commonly for soft drinks and sparkling water. We’re actually using recycled PET (rPET) bottles which are made from 100% recycled PET plastic.
Are rPET plastic bottles better for the environment than glass?
It’s not quite as simple as that – but in some ways, yes. Our recent packaging report showed that rPET bottles have a significantly lower carbon footprint than single-use glass bottles; they’re less energy-intensive to make, smaller and less breakable than glass so can be packed more tightly, and of course significantly lighter (63g compared to an average of 453g for glass bottles).
The white wines are packed in colourless (flint) bottles. New for 2024, these are made from Prevented Ocean Plastic; a high quality, food grade recycled PET material. The material is categorised as ocean-bound plastic, meaning that it has been found within a 50km distance of an ocean coastline, and would have been at high risk of ending up in our oceans if it had not been collected for recycling. You can find out more about Prevented Ocean Plastic here - Prevented Ocean Plastic - Your Better Plastic Choice.
Does it affect the taste of the wine?
No – as it’s inert, it won’t change the flavours of the wine at all. We’re introducing rPET bottles only on wines which are made to be drunk young, so we recommend drinking them within 12 months to get them at their best.
Does using PET bottles mean we’re producing more plastic?
No – because the bottles we are using are rPET, they’re made from 100% recycled PET plastic which means no new PET plastic is manufactured. It’s a ‘closed loop’ system; these bottles made of recycled plastic are then further recycled. The tethered closures (caps) and labels can also be recycled.
So I can recycle the bottles when they’re finished?
Absolutely! Just screw the cap back on and pop the bottle into your home recycling bin.
Is it safe for wine to be stored in plastic?
Yes. rPET is a stable and inert material, just like glass. The bottles we’re using are fully certified by the EFSA (Europe) and FDA (USA), meaning they’ve passed the most rigorous testing available to be classified as ‘food contact approved’, and rPET is BPA-free. What’s more, Unlike glass, the colourless rPET bottles also have a UV inhibitor added that protects the wine from light strike. This is a problem where UV rays react with components of the wine and lead to unpleasant sulphur aromas such as eggs or rotten cabbage.
How long can I store wine in rPET bottles?
The exact length of time depends on factors like how the wine is stored and how it’s been shipped and bottled. We’re recommending members enjoy their wine in rPET within 12 months after purchase.
Is it the same shape as a normal glass wine bottle?
No – the bottles we’re using are flattened (they’re just over 9cm wide, and only 4cm deep), making them an even better shape for lower carbon shipping and storage – as they pack flat, we can fit around 20 extra cases on a pallet.
Are there other advantages to rPET bottles?
Convenience! Easier to store in your fridge or cupboard, lighter to pop into a bag to take to a picnic or dinner, and they’ll take up less room in your recycling bin and they protect against UV light! .
Are rPET bottles the future of sustainable wine packaging?
rPET bottles are just one of the ideas we’re exploring as an alternative to carbon-heavy glass. But just because plastic is one of the best options we have to reduce carbon emissions right now, that doesn't mean it always will be. We will continuously explore and test new and exciting ways to make our packaging more sustainable.
Where can I find more details on rPET bottles, and The Wine Society’s complete plans for alternative packaging?
You can read all about the research we did on rPET bottles, Bag-in-Box and other alternative packaging formats, and what our subsequent plans are in our Alternative Packaging Report. Find out about all of our sustainability plans at our Sustainability Hub.
> There’s more on rPET bottles here
> Browse our range of wines in alternative packaging