Wine Without Fuss
You can cancel your Wine Without Fuss subscription(s) via the website by navigating to ‘My Account’ and selecting ‘Wine Without Fuss’. Alternatively, please email Member Services or call us on 01438 741177.
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You will be notified of your upcoming Wine Without Fuss delivery in advance by email. Your wines will be delivered in the first two weeks of your delivery month. You can check your subscription delivery month(s) via the website by navigating to ‘My Account’ and selecting ‘Wine Without Fuss’. Alternatively, please email Member Services or call us on 01438 741177.
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You can view details of your Wine Without Fuss subscription(s) via the website by navigating to ‘My Account’ and selecting ‘Wine Without Fuss’. You will be notified of any upcoming Wine Without Fuss deliveries in advance by email. If you need to skip an upcoming delivery, you can do so within the Wine Without Fuss section of My Account. Here you can also amend the delivery address of your upcoming delivery, and change your payment details. Alternatively, please email Member Services or call us on 01438 741177.
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Wine Without Fuss is one of two subscription schemes we offer (the other is Vintage Cellar Plan), providing members with regular deliveries of buyer-picked wines to enjoy throughout the year. We offer six different plans, and the choice of reds, whites or a mixed case, to help you choose the types of wine you’ll like. For more information and to join, click here.
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